Mmmm...fair-trade organic Bolivian bliss. After my gen-mai tea, 17 ounces of coconut water, and this coffee, I better stick close to a bathroom for the rest of the day.
I peeked in the window of ZenSpot and saw Michael. For a tenth of a second, I heard a voice that said, "Run!" But I walked into the studio and talked to him about commitment options and then paid for an unlimited four month pass. I was afraid I'd do that. A drop-in class is $20! I had previously paid $15 for an unlimited week and had a pretty good idea about it. So I took the plunge and committed to a month longer than I even thought I was going to do. Great price at $60 per month. Also, they still have the Yogitoes towels for $50. I'll probably get two.
Just before I left for class, a friend in SF made a comment that hot yoga nearly hospitalized her. She begged me not to go. I was (somewhat) determined to get in there and I made it out alive and well. I guess this hot yoga isn't for everyone and I know that I can easily push myself too hard. Finding the discipline to not over do it is a goal in itself; limiting myself to avoid over straining, knowing where to walk the line. I need discipline in a terrible way. I have been learning it through my practice and occasionally I fall off the wagon. Now that I'm back on, I need to remind myself that I am actually really good at this and if I don't practice yoga, I will become the lazy self who annoys me.
Yes! I remember vividly why yoga is cool. I can do things I've never done, never imagined, and tap into an ancient way of health and happiness. My face might be beet red but when I'm lifting my toes off the mat in Crow pose or stretching one arm behind the back, the other under my thigh, and intertwining my fingers somewhere behind my behind, I feel amazed. I am capable, strong and inspired. I can practically see my blood circulating, feel my breath as an entity, as prana, rather than just instinct.
So my first class back in ZenSpot was a success and it will get easier as I get stronger. Right?
My contact lenses did not melt onto my eyeballs and starting this blog is proving to be the catalyst I needed to get myself back into two activities I love.
There are 8,400,000 asanas according to the scriptures. I think I did about half of them today!
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