Inspired by Yoga Journal magazine, I have been participating in a week long detox cleanse. It involves eating only Ayurvedic kitchari, drinking herbal tea and vegetable broth, taking an Ayurvedic blend of herbs, practicing yoga, meditation, and massage. Uddiyana breathing, using the neti pot and nasal oil are part of the cleanse but yet to be practiced.
This morning I started with a powerful Varjasattya meditaion by Chandra Easton, teacher of Hatha yoga, Tibetan Buddhist meditation, and philosophy. This was a very active meditation in the sense that engaging in visualization was the journey, rather than breath awareness alone. Meditation has been an amazing way to connect to myself, the outside world, the Universe, to it All. I can see how the ten day Vipassana Meditation retreats taught by S. N. Goenka has become so interesting to me.
The next four day of the cleanse will be different than the last three in terms of my space. I had been working and was surrounded by food at all times. When I walked into the break room and a hunk of French brie was enticing me, I had little problem avoiding a nice buttery bite. I was totally aware of my sensation of desire and my will. I will not be working for the next three days so I won't have the distraction of endless food but I need to remember to rest and take it easy.
Proudly I have not strayed from the cleansing diet. The kitchari is delicious and the cilantro chutney is a life saver. I have included raw, fresh, organic fruit and veggies when the monotony of kitchari, tea, and broth has bored me. I feel hunger pangs from time to time but I feel so grateful that I am eating! Fasting has never been my thing. I have not been able to go without nourishment for more than a day and a half. I find it tortuous, then I carry guilt. This cleanse is more my style.
Next week, Dave will be in town from LA to teach a few yoga classes. I will be going to the Grateful Dead inspired class taking place right before Furthur plays live at the Cuthbert Theater. I wish I were attending the show but I donated my ticket money to a friend for her mother's cremation expenses. Her mom's birthday would have been today.
I'm getting hungry now. First, an abhyanga massage with almond oil, jojoba oil, and ylang ylang and lavender essential oils to soothe and enhance detoxification. Then a warm shower, some kitchari and triphala herbs...reading, a nap, some it a joyous day.