Saturday, October 1, 2011

Energy Shift

July 10
The basic foundations of yoga, a healthy life style and feng shui were characterized so succinctly by Gina Lazenby when she noted that the shifts of energy just before and just after a thunder storm are the most obvious because there is tension, a release, and then it feels different afterward. What is not so obvious is that everything is vibrating and energy can be manipulated. Why do we practice yoga? To move our muscles (tension), to calm our nerves (release), to change (feel different). What are we changing? Our energy, our chi. Why eat healthy food? Why bring healthy plants to our environment? To balance the energy that gets out of whack so easily in these modern times. We can manipulate the energy in our bodies and we can do the same with the energy in our homes.
Traditional People/Ancient Wisdom understood their environments and the use of energy. They worked, played and lived with nature as their guide. Our techno-paced lifestyles disengage us from the natural rhythm of life and so we live terribly out of balance. By shifting toward the inner self, which is still in synch with the moon, we may come to realize that what we want is a way to get the nature balance and energies flowing so we can change our lives.
Changes we make in our homes and environs, and those we make in our bodies (through yoga, meditation, healthy living) increase the chi, the life force, and we can experience that the spiritual gain is quite affordable in comparison to feeling dull, depressed and unhappy. Is my house unhappy when she can’t breath well because there are things obstructing the flow of chi? Yes. Is my house comforting and relaxed when the air is circulating and everything seems to be in just the right place? Yes. In this way, we can see that both yoga and feng shui support healthier lifestyles.
If we want to live in harmony with our bodies, our families, our communities, our world, it is our personal responsibility to work on balancing the inner self, because that is where all healing begins.

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