Outside the Studio 62*F
Inside the Studio 93*F
This amazing day:
The afterglow of winning The World Series...
Fearlessly getting my first mammogram...
Casting my ballot...
Posing in camel pose correctly for the first time in my life. Throw in a very excellent Bow Pose and I call this day a total success.
Kelli was instructing at ZenSpot this afternoon and that made me very happy. I haven't had a class with her since Jaime and I went to a few classes back in early September.
What is so wonderful about working with different instructors for yoga (or anything else, really) is that each instructor's style is different and if we can be open to differences in style, we become open to learn new ways of being, new ways of modification, and we can benefit from each person's energy in this way. Some instructor's energies are in alignment with your energy or close to yours. Some seem slower, faster, more rigid, too lax, etc, yet each instructor shares a magical beauty from their soul. I'm amazed by the giving in yoga, by the flow and creation of energy, the sharing.
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