Thursday, November 4, 2010

Showered, Dressed, Dogs Fed, Chickens Cooped, Time for Wine.

Outside the Studio 64*F
Inside the Studio 96*F

Another great class with Kelli. Limber Girl and I were positioned in the same spots in the studio today and I focused strongly on being free of distraction. I was very balanced in my poses and "in the now," as we say. When I'm at the dentist and something awful is being done in the mouth, I tell myself that even Buddha has to go to the dentist. Even though it isn't true, it helps me endure what must be endured; it lends me strength to persevere. I used this self-calming technique during my mammogram the other day, "If Buddha can have his teeth cleaned, I can have my breasts squashed." Of course Buddha never had a mammogram! But the inner strength and knowledge that transcends from him to me creates a focus point from which I can move forward in my practice, my life, and my pursuit of quieting the monkey chatter.

Have you seen the poster featuring Sri Dharma Mittra in 908 asanas? One in deep purple fabric is displayed on the back wall of ZenSpot. The original was produced almost thirty years ago by Dharma Mittra setting his camera's timer, running in front of the camera, getting into position and waiting for the click. He did that 908 times. Then he hand cut each image and pasted it onto a background board with the Om symbol and photographed the result. That's dedication!

The studio walls is painted 1983 Tidal Wave apple flavored bubble gum. Green, green, green...Love it! Two of my favorite colors: purple and green. Along the front wall are mirrors. There are no mirrors in Tamarack's yoga spaces. I find them very helpful in aligning ankles and arms, flattening the belly, and focusing on myself instead of looking around the room.

Another class tomorrow morning? I know I love it and practicing creates this peace, strength and power that I crave as a human. It gives me the chance to feel fulfilled, confident (or not confident, depending on my state of mind), healthy, and challenged. I love yoga because it is the only exercise program I can wrap my mind around. Get it? I never participated in sports or athletic endeavors after junior high school...until tai chi in college. Competition is not my cup of tea. I don't care who is better, faster, stronger. There will always be better and lesser persons than myself, like the Aesop fable told me. So let them compete, I'll kick it right here and maybe get down with some savasana.

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