Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Step: Touching Enlightenment

The first day as a group, the students of The ZenSpot Institute for Hot Yoga Teacher Training met last night and went over logistics, expectations, we introduced ourselves, and listened to an interview with Reginald Ray.

I was my regular nervous self before heading down to orientation but that feeling drained away as I was filled with excitement and moved by the energy in the room. To be surrounded by glowing, healthy, vibrant people is still new to me. I want to associate myself with these kinds of people: people that recognize the goodness in life and who want to share wellness and joy.

The single word that came to mind after hearing the interview with Reginald Ray during our class this evening came from a deep, Universal voice and it asked, “Remember?”

Remember what it feels like to press the entire back of your body to the trunk of a tree and as the wind made music with the tree’s leaves, your breath and the breath of the tree became one? That sense of awareness and peace is spirituality.

Remember what it’s like to ride on the back of a motorcycle through the mountains while the rain blessed you, showing you that the destination and your destiny were the same?

Remember the monk that didn’t speak in your language but everything that was said was understood?

Moments of clarity.

The relevance of my journey/training and what I heard from Mr. Ray’s meet when I open my true heart and allow the Real world to be now, and to accept that the many forces opposing the Real world are distractions from love, from spirituality, from being “just human.”

While listening to the interview, I asked myself what I visualized while I meditated and wondered what others see or visualize. Almost exclusively, it is a replication of nature that I create: a specific beach, a color, an individual. In this way, I know that our deepest connections are to nature and it is in the natural world that I dwell when I am my true self.

Remember when the idea of yourself and your real self met, shook hands and promised to be one?

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